Committed to quality and service

3S-Suministros y Servicios para la Siderurgia

Manufacture and Marketing of products for Steel and Foundry

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Years of experience

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Tns Materials supplied 2021

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Tns Electrodes treated 2021

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Countries with trade relations

We are pioneers in the Antioxidant Treatment of Graphite Electrodes

Since 2018 when we began to perform the electrode treatment to the present, we have increased by 300% of the tons treated thanks to the trust of our Clients and the excellent result of the process that we apply in our facilities.

This process guarantees savings of at least 15% in the energy and product consumption.

Currently, the most important electrode producers have trusted us to treat their products and offer their customers a product with greater added value.

We build a Sustainable Future

Environmental management

Committed to Environmental Management Plan of Environmental Initiatives 2018-2023.

Energy efficiency

We collaborate with our customers and suppliers to be more energy efficient.

  • Recarburizer and SiC
  • Calcium Aluminate
  • Calcined Rice Husk
  • Silicon Carbide
  • Oxycutting and Ceramic Lances

Antioxidant Treatment of Graphite Electrodes

3S Steel industry in the world

Over the last 10 years, 3S has managed to consolidate its business relationships both abroad and within Spain. Consolidating itself as an essential supplier of steel products and of quality thanks to the collaborations with its suppliers.

Satisfied customers
Trusted providers

“Relaciones Comerciales creciendo día a día”